Backend Error Tracking
We are currently using Sentry (integrated with GitLab). Alternatives: Bugsnag.

Frontend Error Tracking
- Firebase Crashlytics (free)
- LogRocket ($99+/mo for 10K sessions/mo, doesn’t seem to be cost-effective given our freemium model)
Centralized Logging
Some options are being considered for centralized logging:
- GitLab-managed Elastic Stack on Kubernetes
- Elastic Cloud
- CloudWatch
- MongoDB Realm
- MariaDB
- AWS AppConfig (Feature Flags)
- AWS Fargate
- Better Uptime
- Lovia Infrastructure Workers
- Camunda BPM Platform & Zeebe
- Rocket.Chat
- Firebase Authentication and Google Cloud Identity Platform
- CloudFront
- Nginx Ingress
- GitLab
- ERPNext
- Yandex.Connect
- Mautic (Engineering)
- FusionAuth
- PostgreSQL
- Kubernetes / MicroK8s
- Ansible
- DNS Records
- [ARCHIVED] Unleash (Feature Flags)
- Pulumi
- Logstash vs Beats
- CloudPages