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  5. FusionAuth REST API

FusionAuth REST API

FusionAuth has an API that you can use to manage users, or users to update their own profiles (self-service).

  1. Get API key at https://login.lovia.life/admin/api/add. Specify only the permissions needed for that key.

User-related APIs:

  • User API
  • User Registration API, including creating combined user and user registration: POST /api/user/registration/{userId}
  • To use an API using “app-scoped” API key (not a user-based JWT, which is different), put the API key directly in Authorization header (without Bearer), e.g. Authorization: 2524a832-c1c6-4894-9125-41a9ea84e013 .
  • Additionally, if you have more than one tenant, you must also set X-FusionAuth-TenantId: TENANT_ID header.

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