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Strapi – GraphQL Authenticated CRUD Operations
Strapi GraphQL series is back! In the previous post related to Strapi and GraphQL, in a project named id-card-repository I did CRUD operations without being authenticated which is dangerous enough as it enables all users (public users) to modify data. Today, I would like to implement authentication and authorization so only authenticated users can conduct…
Create a login and register with React and Strapi Backend
From our previous blog in making a register page with React js + Ant Design (see.., for now we’re gonna connect it to our Strapi Backend and make it functional. The frontend is using the miluv-pwa repository and the backend is using lovia-profile repository. The core thing that we need to do is we…
How to Create a Mutation Query of Create a user in Graphql || Nestjs + Typeorm + Mongodb
In this blog, we will discuss how to make a Mutation on Graphql to Create and Modify a user. We only gonna modify 2 files, user.service and user.resolvers user.service user.resolver Mutation: Create User user.service We will create one function here to create a user, we’ll name it ‘createUser(userData)‘. We have one parameter here containing all…
Creating Image Repository Service using Strapi (Part 1)
Apa itu strapi ?? Strapi adalah CMS Headless bersifat open-source, yang fleksibel dan memberi developer kebebasan untuk memilih alat dan framework favorit mereka sembari juga memungkinkan editor untuk dengan mudah mengelola dan mendistribusikan konten mereka. Dengan kata lain, strapi dapat menyediakan tampilan yang good-looking serta dapat diintegrasikan dengan berbagai framework. Apa saja yang harus disiapkan…
How to create a Strapi-meetup community
Strapi is an amazing open source headless CMS that enables developers to design API fast. It is very developer-friendly and based on my experience, it also helps developers to finish tasks in minutes, which normally costs several hours. In Strapi official website, you can see some active Strapi communities. Unfortunately, my country was not on…
Image Repository Service by Kevin
> use-case : User bisa Upload Foto Profil / KTP / NPWP requirement : service yang digunakan untuk aplikasi Image repository service bisa diupload dan diakses (view and CRUD) menggunakan RestAPI dan GraphQL Termasuk metadata (when, who, dll.). FIle yg upload disimpan di AWS S3 Tool : Strapi