How to create a Docker image from an existing Strapi app and Run it locally

How to create a Docker image from an existing Strapi app and Run it locally

In Strapi website, when installing Strapi using Docker, the available guide only tells you how to create a brand new Strapi app. On the other hand, they do not give a step-by-step guide how to build your Strapi app image from an existing project 😔 In this article, we are going to learn how to…

How to Disable telemetry in Strapi app 📊❌

How to Disable telemetry in Strapi app 📊❌

Strapi contains a feature in which anonymous and otherwise non-sensitive data is collected. Like any other software, the main aim is to provide the best experience to users. “ What data is collected ? “ Unique project ID (generated with UUID) Unique machine ID (generated with node-machine-id) Environment state (development, staging, production) System information (OS)…

Create a login and register with React and Strapi Backend
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Create a login and register with React and Strapi Backend

From our previous blog in making a register page with React js + Ant Design (see.., for now we’re gonna connect it to our Strapi Backend and make it functional. The frontend is using the miluv-pwa repository and the backend is using lovia-profile repository. The core thing that we need to do is we…

What is CORS ? How to configure CORS in Strapi ?

What is CORS ? How to configure CORS in Strapi ?

What is CORS ? CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. According to, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. Simply, it is a web application security feature in a…