Maximizing KTP-OCR Performance using Regular Expression
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Maximizing KTP-OCR Performance using Regular Expression

Regular expression (or RE) specifies a set of strings that matches it; the functions in this module let you check if a particular string matches a given regular expression (or if a given regular expression matches a particular string, which comes down to the same thing). we will maximize the performance of KTP-OCR using RE….

RASA Form Actions: Calling Weather API
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RASA Form Actions: Calling Weather API

Hi there! This is the continuation of the post before. If you want to understand detailed explanation about Forms you can check out this article here. Here I’m building chatbot that provides the information about weather situation in a city. What we have to prepare first is the intents. We can add new intents in…

React JS x Strapi – Apple Inventory Management System

React JS x Strapi – Apple Inventory Management System

A content management system enables its user to manage the creation and modification of digital content. For instance, it can be utilized for enterprise content management and web content management. Actually, there are a lot of CMSs such as WordPress. However, have you ever heard of “…CMS that front-end developers love..” or “…Front-end Developers Should…

Strapi – GraphQL Unauthenticated CRUD operations
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Strapi – GraphQL Unauthenticated CRUD operations

Hi there! Today I will continue to develop a recent project in Strapi, called id-card-repository. If you are new, please check the previous article here. Specifically, the main topic is CRUD operations using GraphQL with Strapi. CRUD stands for Create, Read/Retrieve, Update, and Delete. CRUD operations are essential as data stored in databases dynamically change….

Integrating RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger
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Integrating RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger

Here is tutorial on how we can integrate RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger. Here we’ll be using ngrok to expose a local server on the internet, so make sure you have installed ngrok before.If you haven’t installed ngrok, you can install it here. Make sure you have created an account in facebook for developers…

Components in RASA NLU
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Components in RASA NLU

In RASA, user messages is excecuted for every sequence of components. All components executed in RASA can be customized to meet any requirements in pipeline defined in config.yml file. We can even build our own (custom) component in RASA NLU. Configurating the Right Components Every components have different functions whether its for pre-processing text, intent…

Getting Coordinate and Cropping an Image with OpenCV
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Getting Coordinate and Cropping an Image with OpenCV

OpenCV is popular library for computer vision. OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. OpenCV uses machine learning to detect object/faces in picture. for detecting face,…

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Forms in RASA

When building a chatbot as conversational assistant, we may need some of user’s information in order to answers and give suggestions to the user in a right context.This proccess of collecting the user’s required information is called slot filling. (If you want to understand better about slots, you may want to check out the previous…

Creating Image Repository Service (Part 4) – Authentication & Authorization
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Creating Image Repository Service (Part 4) – Authentication & Authorization

Hello there! In this post, I would like to use and demonstrate authentication and authorization/permission features in Strapi using Postman. Continuing development using Strapi First, open Command Line Interface (CLI) and change the directory to the imagerepo folder by typing : $ cd imagerepo Start yarn using : $ yarn develop Note : If you…