Confidence in KTP-OCR using Pytesseract
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Confidence in KTP-OCR using Pytesseract

In previous blog, we already learn how to crop an image Then we will learn how to got confidence using pytesseract, After much searching, there was some some ways to got confidence in my KTP-OCR. Pytesseract give us a lot of syntax that can we use, such as : #this line of code will…

Getting Coordinate and Cropping an Image with OpenCV
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Getting Coordinate and Cropping an Image with OpenCV

OpenCV is popular library for computer vision. OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. OpenCV uses machine learning to detect object/faces in picture. for detecting face,…

Image Scoring oleh Angky
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Image Scoring oleh Angky

Proyek yang dinamakan Image Scoring ini berfungsi sebagaimana namanya, yaitu memberikan nilai terhadap gambar digital yang diinput oleh user. Adapun penilaian yang dimaksud mencakup: Black-white image detection : mendeteksi apakah gambar tersebut merupakan gambar hitam-putih atau bukan. Cartoon image detection : mendeteksi apakah gambar tersebut merupakan gambar kartun atau bukan. Face detection : mendeteksi apakah…