laptop, computer, business
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RASA Form Actions: Calling SatukanCinta API

Hi there! This post is the continuation of the blog post before. In this post, I’ll be giving a tutorial in getting the information if user has registered an account in SatukanCinta. So the information needed to check if the user has registered an account is full name, email, and also phone number.Here we are…

RASA Form Actions: Calling Weather API
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RASA Form Actions: Calling Weather API

Hi there! This is the continuation of the post before. If you want to understand detailed explanation about Forms you can check out this article here. Here I’m building chatbot that provides the information about weather situation in a city. What we have to prepare first is the intents. We can add new intents in…

Integrating RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger
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Integrating RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger

Here is tutorial on how we can integrate RASA chatbot assistant to Facebook Messenger. Here we’ll be using ngrok to expose a local server on the internet, so make sure you have installed ngrok before.If you haven’t installed ngrok, you can install it here. Make sure you have created an account in facebook for developers…

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Forms in RASA

When building a chatbot as conversational assistant, we may need some of user’s information in order to answers and give suggestions to the user in a right context.This proccess of collecting the user’s required information is called slot filling. (If you want to understand better about slots, you may want to check out the previous…

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Build Contextual AI Assistant (Chatbot)

We have discussed about chatbot and why should we build a chatbot on the previous post On the previous post, we build a simple chatbot that asks a user’s feeling and tries to cheer the user up when they’re sad.This time we are going to set our game up and build a contextual chatbot…