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Creating Image Repository Service using Strapi (Part 1)
Apa itu strapi ?? Strapi adalah CMS Headless bersifat open-source, yang fleksibel dan memberi developer kebebasan untuk memilih alat dan framework favorit mereka sembari juga memungkinkan editor untuk dengan mudah mengelola dan mendistribusikan konten mereka. Dengan kata lain, strapi dapat menyediakan tampilan yang good-looking serta dapat diintegrasikan dengan berbagai framework. Apa saja yang harus disiapkan…
What is CORS ? How to configure CORS in Strapi ?
What is CORS ? CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. According to, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. Simply, it is a web application security feature in a…
Image Repository Service by Kevin
> use-case : User bisa Upload Foto Profil / KTP / NPWP requirement : service yang digunakan untuk aplikasi Image repository service bisa diupload dan diakses (view and CRUD) menggunakan RestAPI dan GraphQL Termasuk metadata (when, who, dll.). FIle yg upload disimpan di AWS S3 Tool : Strapi
Creating Image Repository Service (Part 3)
Hello, today I am going to get in touch with something called API. I guess it is very familiar among people who are interested in software engineering. Let’s get started! Continuing development using Strapi First, open Command Line Interface (CLI) and change the directory to the imagerepo folder by typing : $ cd imagerepo Start…
GraphQL vs. REST API – comparison
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Strapi – GraphQL Unauthenticated CRUD operations
Hi there! Today I will continue to develop a recent project in Strapi, called id-card-repository. If you are new, please check the previous article here. Specifically, the main topic is CRUD operations using GraphQL with Strapi. CRUD stands for Create, Read/Retrieve, Update, and Delete. CRUD operations are essential as data stored in databases dynamically change….