How to Create a Mutation Query of Create a user in Graphql || Nestjs + Typeorm + Mongodb
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How to Create a Mutation Query of Create a user in Graphql || Nestjs + Typeorm + Mongodb

In this blog, we will discuss how to make a Mutation on Graphql to Create and Modify a user. We only gonna modify 2 files, user.service and user.resolvers user.service user.resolver Mutation: Create User user.service We will create one function here to create a user, we’ll name it ‘createUser(userData)‘. We have one parameter here containing all…

How to Create Query for Getting User by ID in Graphql || Nestjs + Typeorm
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How to Create Query for Getting User by ID in Graphql || Nestjs + Typeorm

In this blog, we will discuss how to make a query to fetch one user by id. This’s very simple. We only gonna modify 2 files, user.service and user.resolvers user.service user.resolver user.service We’ll make one function with just one line of code. The code is simply finding our expected user in our database. With Typeform,…

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Installation and CRUD for Mongodb – Learn Mongodb for Dummies

Installation for MongoDB locally on windows computer Download Mongodb Download MongoDB here. Choose the MongoDB Community Server. Run the Installer Just click next.. Edit Path Edit your environment variable in System Properties. Edit path variable on your User Variables. Add The MongoDB’s Bin folder, usually in C:Program FilesMongoDBServer4.2bin     Run MongoDB $ mongod $ mongo…