Build Contextual AI Assistant (Chatbot)

We have discussed about chatbot and why should we build a chatbot on the previous post
On the previous post, we build a simple chatbot that asks a user’s feeling and tries to cheer the user up when they’re sad.
This time we are going to set our game up and build a contextual chatbot assistant that helps user to get information about the product(s) of the company and directs user to register an account as well as buying the product of a company.
What you actually have to prepare before building a contextual AI chatbot is the conversational flow.
The chatbot flow is the most important part as it is the foundation of building a contextual chatbot.
It keeps us on track and understand better about the purpose of the chatbot assistant that we are going to build.
Here is some example i found of conversational flow design of a chatbot:
Here is an example of the chatbot messages that we built using RASA:

User triggers the conversation and the bot will ask if the user has already registered an account.

The chatbot then tries to collect information from the user and save it in the chatbot memory that is called as Slots.
The bot can collect the information that user gives through the messages and save it in slots.
More information about the use of slots and how chatbot can reuse the information they get through messages is explained here:
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