Myself and hopes for my internship in Lovia

Hello everyone, In this moment I want to tell a little bit about myself and my hopes in internship with Lovia.
My name is Revita Ramadhanty Denaya, usually called Revita or Vita.
I’m college student from Universitas Padjadjaran which will enter 5th semester at Public Finance Administration major. Because my major is about administration and finance so my interest is about that and also accounting.
The reason why I’m interest to enter major Public Finance Administration, because in senior high school one of all my lesson I choose economic class, and in third class I learn about accounting and i’m interest to learn more about finance.
Since I’m being a college student in my major I want to get more insight about finance. I get more lesson about finance from Kemenku, Bank Indonesia, and many more.
I have experience in marketing freelance, I choose marketing because I’ve ever got to learn about marketing in the college so I’ll try to practically the lesson I got, from that I got many experience and insight.
I want to increase my skill by joining internship in Lovia. This is the first time I join internship and hope during my internship in Lovia I will get new experience, new friends, new insight and also upgrading my skill.
In this internship with Lovia I got some finance task that I should do :
- ERPNext Accounting
- SAK (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan)
- Making tutorials for ERPNext esp. Accounting (Indonesian)
- ChartMogul – recurring subscription
- Making accounting guidelines/policies & tax rules for the company and the Raise Up Kids nonprofit
- Finance strategy, budgeting, forecasting, cost analysis, for 1 year, 3 years, 10 years
I hope I can complete my task with good result and hope I will get many insights and experience from my task, and I hope from this internship I will get many lessons which can I use in the future.
After graduated from my college, I want to work at a company in financial sector, so now I want to look for many experience which relate with finance.