Me and My target in Lovia Internship 2020

Hello there, what a great day to see you here. In this post, I want you to know about me.
I’m Maulana Rasoky Nasution, I’m from Telkom University major in Informatics Engineering. I was in Vocational High School but major in Network Engineering. Some of you probably says “Why did you choose Informatics Engineering ? Since you were in Network Engineering”. I chose this major because i’m kinda bored to my major in Vocational High School. I felt like it’s to easy to keep up, I mean no challenge. That was my personal thought, no offence :).
Since I joined in programming world in 2018, I was like “This is what I’m looking for, I love it”. I love programming so much, it’s like my life without it, is nothing. I have learnt some programming language such as PHP, JS, Go, Java, Kotlin, Ipython, etc. I have experience in Web Development and Android Development.
Okay, that was a little bit about me then let me tell you about my target in this internship.
In this internship, I have task that have to do about WooCommerce thing. It’s new to me, then I have task about GraphQL, haven’t tried it too. And I think this internship is gonna be perfect to me to learn a new programming language and have some new experiences. My target in this Internship is have experience in WooCommerce, GraphQL, and I can speak English fluently within the scope of work.
Okay.. that’s all. Thank you very much for reading this post. I hope you know me a little bit.
Actually you can find me on Github and LinkedIn (Social Account Promotion, lol).
LinkedIn :
Github :