New Start at Lovia Team

Hi Greetings everyone! Here’s a little story about me…
My name is Audi or sometimes my friends like to called me Odi, I’m 22 years old and currently in my last year semester at University of Padjadjaran studying Management and concentrate in Human Resource. My personality test say I’m INFJ-T, yes you can say I’m introverted but, not that introverted sometimes I just like being alone and doing activities inside home rather being outside but still, I really like traveling a lot especially traveling to a nature (as you can see in the picture).My favorite quote of all time is “Allah tidak akan pernah memberikan ujian hamba-Nya di luar kemampuannya”. Why I love this quote? Is because when I get depressed or having a mental breakdown I know it only temporary and bright day will come to me.
As I get older, I realize experience is very important for me. It help me with making a decision, time management, how to act with people and how I react in certain situation. So that’s why doing internship is a great experience for me, especially now that I have the internship at Lovia. I’m hoping my time in Lovia will be great, meaningful, and can get me more knowledge in Human Resource area and hopefully with doing this internship I can help people too.
If you like to see my writing and collection of poem that I make you can visit my blog:
Thank you!