one of my beginning.

hi! This is me Nada. I’m a final year student in Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. I’m 21 years old and live in Bandung. Maybe its not that interested story, but let me tell you a little.
Hi, i’m just an ordinary girl who wants to make my parents proud. I know they never really ask anything from me but somehow I have to fight to make them happy. And this is one way to make it happen. Since in Senior High School, I have interest in psychology. I like to listen other people tell stories and I’m happy when i can help others even if it’s just a small thing. After that I decided to take a major in psychology.
In my 20, i just realized everything. This phase is one of my turning point. I realized that I couldn’t always be in my comfort zone, if i wanted to make my parents proud. ‘Beranjak Dewasa’ its not that easy but if you never try you will never know right?
So, i decide to make a change for my self first and this internship is one of my beginning.
Being a part of Human Resources Team is one of my hopes. Hopefully I can increase my skills, experiences, grow together here and also get a new friend. I hope this internship will be beneficial for Lovia, me and a lot of people out there.
Thank you!